
The Mindset of a Resilient Child


Resilient children possess certain qualities and/or ways of viewing themselves and the world that are not apparent in youngsters who have not been successful in meeting challenges and pressures. ...

The Importance of Play In Children's Learning


The Importance of Play In Children's Learning. Play is the language of children and is crucial to their development. Childrenof guiding a child through learning experiences by using language to h...

Resilience and Happiness

Resilience and Happiness

Long before the advent of the positive movement in psychology, researchers were interested in what makes people happy. The concept of health is more than the mere absence of illness: it contains ...

Resilience and Positive Emotions


In keeping with the concept of resilience as the capacity to bounce back from stressful experiences, three studies using college students (Tugade and Fredrickson, 2004) provide empirical evidence...

Faktor-Faktor Resiliensi


Berdasarkan Grotberg (1995: 15) ada tiga kemampuan atau tiga faktor resiliensi yang membentuk resiliensi. Untuk dukungan eksternal dan sumber-sumbernya, digunakan istilah ‘I Have’. Untuk keku...